영 어/회 화 영 어

전화영어 표현

미션(cmc) 2009. 8. 9. 06:46

간단한 전화영어 표현

전화영어 표현
무슨 일로 전화하셨어요?
What made you to call?
What's up?
What is this about?

그 사람...지금 전화받을 수 없는데요.
He can't take your call right now.
She can't come to the phone.
She can't pick up the phone.
He is not available at the moment.

누구신지 물어봐도 될까요?
May I ask who is calling?
Who is calling? (짧게 말할때^^)
Who am I speaking(talking) to?

누구 찾으세요?
Who would you like to speak to?
Who(m) do you want to speak to?
Who(m) are you looking for?

다시 전화하라고 말해드릴께요.
I'll tell her to call you back.

전화왔었다고 전해드릴께요.
I'll let her know you called.
I'll give her a message.
I'll tell her so.

A는 지금(다른사람과) 통화중인데....
잠깐 기다리실래요, 아님 메세지 남기실거에요?
A is on the(other) line, Would you like to hold, or leave a message?

잠깐만 기다려...남편 바꿔줄께
Hold on please, I'll put my husband on the phone.
Wait a minute please, I'll connect you with him.

그런 사람 없는데요.
There is no Tom here.
There is no one called Tom here.
There is no one named Tom here.
There is no one by that name here. Sorry.
There is no such person at this number.
No one's here by that name.

전화 잘못거셨어요.
You must have the wrong number.
I'm sorry but you've got the wrong number.

전화 하라고 해서 다시 걸었는데요.
I'm returning your call regarding ~ (my son's application form)

집으로 전화좀 해달라고 해주실래요?
Could you have him call me (at) home?

전화 끊어야 겠어요.
I have to go.

자동응답기에 남기는 메시지
Hi~You've reached 123-4567.
=This is Tom's residence .

We can't take your call right now.
=We are not available right now.
=I can't come to the phone at the moment.

Please leave a message after the beep.
We'll return your call as soon as we can. Thank you

전화영어 표현 _2
□ MR. Lee 는 지금 사무실에 안계십니다.
MR. Lee is not in.

□ 연락처가 어떻게 되십니까?
May I ask your contact number? please.

□ 들어오시면 연락드리겠습니다.
I'll have him to call you back.

□ 감사합니다.
Thank you (so much).

□ 당신의 이름은 무엇입니까?
Who am I speaking to ?
Who am I talking to ?

□ 회사이름은 무엇입니까?
May I ask your company name (again) ?

□ 전화번호는 무엇입니까?
What is your phone number, please ?

□ 다시 연락드리겠습니다.
I'll call you back again.

□ 잠시만 기다려주시겠습니까?
Would you hold on, please.?

□ 죄송합니다만, 천천히 말해주세요
Excuse me,.. but will you speak a little slower ?

□ 주소를 말씀해 주시겠습니까?
Would you tell me your address ?

□ 그분에게 전화를 드리라고 할까요?
May I ask him to call you back ?

□ 그는 지금 다른 전화를 받고 있습니다.
He is (busy now) on the other line.

□ 전화를 끊지 말고 기다려 주십시요
Please hang on (for a moment)..

□ 뭐라고 전해드릴까요?
May I take your message?

□ 실례지만 당신은 누구십니까?
Excuse me, but who am I talking to ?
~ ~ speaking to ?

□ 내일아침 저희 사무실로 다시 전화를 걸어주시겠습니까?
Will you call us again tomorrow morning?

□ 지금 팩스가 들어와서 잘 받아보았습니다.
We just received your fax message, thank you...

□ 팩스의 내용이 잘 안보입니다. 죄송합니다만, 다시 한번 보내주시겠습니까?
The (fax) message is not clear, Will you send it us again?

□ 팩스를 잘 받았습니다. 내용 확인 후 회신을 보내도록 하겠습니다.
We received your fax very well, We'll reply you soon after reviewing your fax...

□ 당신과의 통화가 가능한 다른 사람을 바꿔드리겠습니다.
I'll have someone to talk with you, if you don't mind...
I thingk he can speak better than me.

□ 영어를 잘 하지 못해 죄송합니다.
I'm sorry for my poor English...

□ 제가 간략하게 MEMO를 기록하겠습니다. 말씀해주세요.
Let me take your message, please go ahead...

야, 전화받어.
Hey! Get the phone.

니 전화야.
It's for you.

여보세요. 메리예요.
Hello, Mary here

거기 누구세요.
Who's calling please?

크게 말해 안 들려.
Speak up, I can’t hear you.

내 말 들리니?
Are you there?

오랜만에 통화하네.
Long time, no hear.

전화해도 안 받대.
I've called but no answer.

해리 있나요?
Is Harry in?

그런 사람 없는데요?
There's no Harry here.

잘못 거셨군요.
You've got the wrong number.

555-1234번 아닌가요?
Isn't this 555-1234?

앤 좀 바꿔줘요.
Can I speak to Ann?

지금 여기 없는데요.
She's not in right now.

오늘 출근 안 해요.
She's away for the day.

킴이 전화했다 전해줘요.
Tell her Kim called.

'영 어 > 회 화 영 어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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