영 어/어 학 학 습

상황별 생활영어

미션(cmc) 2009. 1. 8. 16:53

상황별 생활영어




Business 용어2


시간대 time zone


Duty- Free


세관 신고서Customs declaration form


Business 용어1


Rent-a-car 2 : 렌터카


Rent a car 1 : 렌터카


At the airport information desk


세관에서 (Customs office)


탑승권 받기Getting a boarding pass


공항에서 (At the airport)


항공권 예약 (Air ticket reservation)


칭찬하기: Compliments


허락 구하기2 :Asking permission 2


허락 구하기: Asking permission


인물묘사 Describing people on the job


가벼운 대화 Small talk


도움요청하기 Making requests


취미소개 : Talking about your backgrounds


질문하기 : Working conditions


직업 구하기 : Job seeking


이름 기억하기 : Remembering names


자신이 할일 묻기 : Job responsibility


능력소개 : Telling about your skills


대화 확인하기 : Restatement


칭찬하기: Sharing the credit with colleagues




Can I have it altered?


긍정적자세 : Let’s be positive !


회사소개 : Talking about your company



60 Inquiring 1
  59 Hotel price list
  58 Name 2
  57 Names 1
  56 Positions 2
  55 Positions 1
  54 회사소개 : Talking about your company
  53 전화영어 Telephone 3
  52 전화영어 Telephone 2
  51 전화영어Telephone 1
  50 Complaint 2
  49 불평하기 Complaints
  48 일일 스케쥴 : Daily schedule
  47 Public Transportation 3 - Train
  46 Public Transportation 2 - taxi
  45 Public transportation 1- subway
  44 Letter of invitation
  43 Exchanging
  42 비즈니스 용어
  41 At the souvenir store
  40 Department store
  39 Shopping
  38 Business letter
  37 Restaurant 4
  36 Restaurant 3 reservation
  35 Restaurant 2
  34 Restaurant 1 (레스토랑에서)
  33 Business letter formats (상업서신 형식)
  32 이력서 Resume
  31 입사원서(An Application Form)




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