영 어/찬스에강한영어 505

Knock someone’s socks off /감동시키다, 흥분하게 하다

Knock someone’s socks off [중앙일보] 감동시키다, 흥분하게 하다 관련핫이슈 찬스에 강한 영어직역하면 넘어져 양말이 벗겨진다는 뜻인데, 그 정도로 누군가를 감동 또는 흥분시켰다는 뜻이에요. A: Hey, how did the presentation in front of our customers go? B: Incredible. Even though none of them had been planning to purchase anything, t..

Be worth one’s weight in gold /매우 중요한 역할을 하다

Be worth one’s weight in gold [중앙일보] 매우 중요한 역할을 하다 관련핫이슈 찬스에 강한 영어A: Who was that on the phone? B: It was Michael, my secretary. He wanted to remind me that I needed to review the Anderson files before my meeting tomorrow. A: He seems to handle his job very well. B: That’s true. I’d be lost without him. He’s worth his weight in gold. A..